How To Find Time To Get Ahead

In yesterday’s blog post I talked about a sneaky narrative that's pervasive among online business owners: "I'm so behind."

And today I want to focus on getting ahead.

People DREAM of being ahead on content, ahead on admin, ahead on promos and campaigns.

But, the next question is always: "Where do I find the time?"

The very first thing I do with any of my clients is help them get clear on what they want and REMOVE sh*t off their plate that isn't directly tied to the top goals and outcomes they seek.

Getting clear on the highest leverage projects and actions in your business can cause a fundamental shift in what is possible for you over the next six months.

I have one client that pre-sold, launched, nearly sold out, created and delivered a group program for the first time in under 6 months while working full-time at her job.

She now has an asset she can sell over and over again.

This was possible because she laser focused on this one goal, took the step-by-step actions in my program, got support any time she got stuck, and stayed the course.

In my experience, getting ahead requires getting focused.

Productivity is often about getting more efficient with your time so you can do more work...

That's not what I'm talking about here.

I'm talking about getting more strategic with your time so you can get the kind of stuff done that changes the game.

The stuff that creates more time, more freedom, more space.

Getting ahead becomes possible when your mission is clear as day and you know the exact steps to take to get there.

What if six months from now you had a validated signature course or program that you could sell over and over?

What if six months from now you were seamlessly running that podcast or YouTube channel you've been thinking about starting?

What if six months from now you were finally showing up consistently every week to market and sell with systems to support you?

I'd love to help you get more done by leveraging simplicity and consistency to take action on what matters most week-after-week.

If you're ready to shift what's possible in your business over the next six months, check out Empowered Action or reach out to me here.


The #1 Obstacle To Creating Content


What To Do When You Feel “Behind”