3 Ways To Change How Your Business Feels

I remember it so well.

I was busy. Like, too busy.

I had all the clients I needed but I had to work around the clock to keep up with the agreements I made, the inquiries coming my way, and the deadlines.

Effing deadlines.

Nevermind my own marketing and admin and worrying about where the next bit of income was going to come from after I wrapped up my current projects.

I was so proud of myself for building something out of nothing but at the same time - I had kind of built a trap for myself.

I wasn't charging enough.

I was overdelivering.

And I was prioritizing my client's businesses over my own.

It's a recipe for disaster.

Luckily it came to a breaking point where I was invited to step up and change the way I worked in my business.

Today my business feels sooo different.

There's space and ease.

Don't get me wrong - there are plenty of.. um.. personal growth opportunities.

But, it fundamentally feels different.

There are three main ways that I did to completely change the way my business feels.


Establishing and enforcing boundaries changed everything. Not only with my clients but with my friends and family.

I started to set working hours that were non-negotiable. (Both in terms of when I’m not working with clients and in terms of when I AM working with friends and family.)

I started to get clear on what MY business needs every single day and I put that first unapologetically.


The second thing I did was give myself permission.

Permission to not make productivity the top goal for the day. How much I get done in a day does not dictate my worth.

Permission to ENJOY the process and prioritize creativity and joy.

Permission to take the scenic route. This is not a race.

Permission to have bad days and not make it mean anything about me.

Permission to delete things off my to-do list.

Permission to be fallible. To mess up. To say and do the wrong thing sometimes.


Systems have helped me create so much space in my business. I now have systems for:

→ Attracting new eyes to my work

→ Converting traffic to leads

→ Nurturing leads

→ Converting leads to sales

→ Delivering my work to new clients and customers.

→ Managing my tasks, projects, email and calendar

When we’re able to create systems that support the business foundations, we can free up so much space. We create leverage.

Of course this can look different for different people.

If you want to chat about the shifts you can make in your business to create more time and headspace, I’d love to chat with you.


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