Why You Should Consider a No-Meetings Week

I schedule at least one week per month with NO meetings. None.

Lately between my 1:1 coaching clients and the bonus sessions in Empowered Action, I've had more meetings than I usually do.

The thing is, I love meeting with my clients.

I love the work that I get to do with them.

But the less white space I have on my calendar, the more disjointed and scattered I feel.

Despite how much I love the meeting with clients, if I spend too much time in meetings, my cup starts to empty.

An empty cup means EVERYTHING suffers.

The quality of my work.

My mindset.

My capacity for friends and family.

The energy I have for my workouts.

Even on my meeting weeks I only do meetings on Tuesday and Wednesdays.

But when those two days are packed, I need recovery time on Thursday and by Friday there's just only so much time in the day to be creative and get other shit done.

Early in July, I knew this introvert needed a more drastic solution.

So, I scheduled at least one but sometimes two weeks of no meetings per month for the rest of the year.

It's not that I'm not available for my clients, I'm just not available to support via Zoom at a scheduled time.

It's incredible to wake up to multiple days in a row where I don't have to plan my day around my calendar.

My days with no meetings are often wildly productive.

I know this wouldn't work for everyone but I'm sharing it in case it would work for you.

If there is something about your day-to-day flow that doesn't work for you, I promise you there is another way.

What do you think?

Is it possible to get creative to better set up your weeks to suit you?


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