Do You Need More TIME Or More REVENUE?

When someone comes to me looking for systems help in their business, my first question is:

Do they need more TIME or more MONEY?

It's usually both but revenue is usually the priority (not always but usually.)

From there, I need to figure out which system is going to have the biggest impact on revenue.

→ Is it traffic?

→ Is it lead conversion?

→ Or is it sales conversion?

In other words:

→ Do they have enough new eyes on their work?

→ Are the new eyes they get on their work opting in, taking action and becoming a lead?

→ Are the leads they get turning into a sale?

This is how I determine what system to focus on first.

Assuming you have a validated product/offer - these are the three most important business areas to focus on if you aren't making enough money.

You don't need to optimize your onboarding processes, for example, if you don't have leads coming through the door.

People often focus on solving time problems because they're easier than facing the revenue-generating problems. #realtalk

First things first.

If you have no idea which of those leverage points are working or not working, chances are you'll want to start with traffic.

New eyes on your work will always help you learn what works, what doesn't, help you refine your message, learn more about your people, etc, etc.

Over the next few posts, I'm going to be talking all about traffic and specifically content systems to help you get more eyes on your work.

Are you focusing on time systems or money systems in your business right now? Comment below, I’d love to know.

Amy x


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